Monday, February 28, 2011

Artist Post #5: Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle

Installation views from Gravity Is a Force To Be Reckoned With (2009)

Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle was born in Madrid and now lives in Chicago, Illinois. Growing up Manglano-Ovalle moved from Spain to the US and Colombia. This combination of living on three continents made his childhood very different from most. Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle's parents are both scientists and this has a big influence on his work.

relation to my work:
I am mostly interested in work that Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle made at MassMOCA. He created an installation Gravity is a Forced to be Reckoned With that is a construction of Mies' design of a glass house. There are many components to this installation including an Iphone that plays various messages to the person that is living in this space. The whole house is created upside down as well which makes the work even more confusing. I like how the work makes me question which way is up. It also creates confusion on what is really the truth of the piece. I want people to question what is real for my photos as well.

"People think that art fits solely in culture, and that science is not culture. I’m interested in science generated as a cultural necessity."
"The creative process for me, whether it’s scientific or artistic, is driven by a number of forces. And one that I’m most interested in is desire, a desire for something that will change us."
- Art 21


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