Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Kathy Rose Questions/ response

What, if anything, do you fear when doing a performance?

Have you ever studied dance before?

Kathy Rose
Kathy Rose's lecture was more of a screening then a lecture. We watched all of the performances she'd ever done with film. And then the performances she did with veils and installation and finally all of the video art she created. She said she had points to cover that she had prepared but then just went into q&a part. I felt that I wanted to hear about her process and interests. She touched on ideas slightly but I felt there could have been more said.
best quote:
"I don't know anything about intent"
This summed up how I felt about her lecture. I enjoy work with intent. With a plan/vision that has been thought out before it was created. I think for her videos that she showed last were almost amateurish in the way they were created and then the way she talked about them. I wasn't clear if there was a purpose to the way that different cutouts were selected poorly and why they were floating about in her pieces. She then goes on to say there really isn't a reason made it hard to validate the credibility of her work.
3 words:
Butoh, choreographed, intense (she described her music for a piece as "in-your-face")

I did really enjoy her earlier works. Primitive Movers was incredible to me. The combination of performance and animation was compelling. I enjoyed how the hand drawn animation was interacting with the person that created them. Her movements were very rehearsed but seemed to be loose and interpretive which was impressive.
Rose's explanation of how she doesn't know anything about intent was also interesting to me. She said that she tells her students to let their unconscious do half the work. This is a way that I feel that I could never work. I enjoy the process and planning of image making. However, I think trying to create work in this manner could be helpful to me. Perhaps a sort of therapy from my artistic process.

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