Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Idea Post #5: vulnerablitliy

" And shame is really easily understood as the fear of disconnection. Is there something about me that, if other people know it or see it, that I won't be worthy of connection. The things I can tell you about it: it's universal; we all have it. The only people who don't experience shame have no capacity for human empathy or connection. No one wants to talk about it, and the less you talk about it the more you have it."
-Brene Brown
"[Whole-hearted people] fully embraced vulnerability. They believed that what made them vulnerable made them beautiful. They didn't talk about vulnerability being comfortable, nor did they talk about it being excruciating -- as I had heard it earlier in the shame interviewing. They just talked about it being necessary. They talked about the willingness to say "I love you" first, the willingness to do something where there are no guarantees, the willingness to breathe through waiting for the doctor to call after your mammogram. They're willing to invest in a relationship that may or may not work out. They thought this was fundamental."
-Brene Brown
"Vulnerability refers to the susceptibility of a person, group, society or system to physical or emotional injury or attack. The term can also refer to a person who lets their guard down, leaving themselves open to censure or criticism."
- Wikipedia definition

anno bib:
Brown, Brene. "The Power of Vulnerability." Lecture. TED Talk. Houston. June 2010. TED Talks. TED Conferences, LLC, Dec. 2010. Web. 2 Mar. 2011.

Brene Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston at the Graduate College of Social Work. She has studied shame and courage and vulnerability for the past ten years. She shares some of her insight in this lecture. She shares about her own doubts and fears that came about as she was researching these topics. She had collected data from many people and came to realize that there were a certain group of people that have connections and happiness because they believe they are worthy of it. She calls these people "Whole-hearted" people. These people also have connection, compassion, and courage and ultimately vulnerability. The vulnerability is something the whole-hearted people see as beautiful and a necessity when feeling all of the other "C's" they feel. They put themselves as people out there. Vulnerability allows these whole-hearted people to live connected lives.

relation to my art:
This talk was a suggestion from a classmate after my group meeting. I really see how it works with how is see my art and myself. I'm not sure that shame is present in my work and I'm not sure I want it to be. For me however, I see a vulnerability in my work since I am making it about something that has such a heavy meaning in my own life. I think there is also a fragility in the cutouts I create which allows the viewer to see vulnerability. It is something that I hadn't really addressed outright before but I think it is holding the work together.

"Vulnerability." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 02 Mar. 2011.

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