Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Julika Rudelius Response

"I highly question even the idea of seeing the actual self on film." This quote was the most interesting quote to me. Her concept that film is never an exact replication of reality is something that I've always felt. I think that it ultimately completes almost all of her work. The tangle of truths that weave in and out of each other amazes me. Using actors to play others and shooting them as it were really happening is a way that Rudelius twists the truth. Or creating a fake set in which real people are shot on is a twist of the truth. But for me using film and photo to twist the truth in the end is the best way of complicating it all. The fact that many people watch videos or films or look at pictures and think that they are getting a great representation of what really happened is something that Rudelius (and all photographers and filmmakers) does every time she makes a video. Thinking that what you are seeing is real is something that cannot be trusted. Images are not to be trusted and I think that Rudelius has this in mind when she makes all of her work. I love that she used to help make documentaries.
To me acting, social class, and truth is what Rudelius's work is all about. She either hires actors or has real people act a certain way. A lot of her work deals with the social stature of the people in her videos. There are different ranges from socialites to immigrants. Truth is what Rudelius's work is about or the twisting of it.
Rudelius's work manipulates the viewer mostly into believing in what they are seeing is real. I like the amount of control from her work. It was inspiring. But also I would have liked to see her be a bit more loose with how she treated everything. Just to see what would happen. And I think in Your Blood is As Red As Mine she let a lot of things go. but there was still an air of scriptedness from it as well. That might just come from all of her other work and now I am just questioning all of the truths and realities in every different work. However, her control does allow the viewer to follow her and get exactly what she wants you to get from her work. This is something I need to adopt.

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